Embark on a gripping new chapter in the acclaimed Yakuza series with "Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name." The multiplatform release takes players on a thrilling journey through the criminal underworld, combining intense action with a captivating narrative that Yakuza fans have come to love. Available exclusively as a physical version in Asia and featuring English language options, "Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name" offers an immersive experience that lets players dive deep into the streets of crime-ridden cities and uncover the mysteries that shroud its characters. Play as a determined protagonist who must navigate through a web of deceit, betrayal, and power struggles, all while forging unexpected alliances. The game features the signature blend of action-packed combat and heartfelt storytelling that has made the Yakuza series a fan favorite. With its richly detailed environments, complex characters, and immersive gameplay, "Li...