Omega Labyrinth Life (Multi-Language)

D3 Publisher is at it again with another rogue-like dungeon RPG - equipped with a new sexy "chest-expanding" Oppai mechanic! Matrix Software will handle development while character design will be handled by Wadatsumi.

The titular mechanic 'Omega Power' affects the chest size of the characters you control, gradually increasing the size over time. As your character's chest size increases, so will their status, and when your status reaches its maximum potential 'Hatsumune Mode' will be triggered! As you fight and explore your way through dungeons you'll earn points that be used to earn new items.

In order to know the details about items you've obtained, you'll need to have them appraised through the game's unique 'Oppai Appraisal' system, which consists of placing said item between the character's breasts and jiggling them, thus revealing the item's true nature.

Players can choose two characters to explore dungeons with - the leader and a partner. The caveat is that if you die in the dungeon both characters' equipment will be lost in true rogue-like fashion.

* Faint in Agony Flowering System - Includes Normal and Full Bloom Break illustrations. Play touch events (acquired amount of experience points differs depending on the outcome of the touch event)
* Oppai Appraisal System - Includes Oppai Appraisal illustrations. Play touch events after performing an Oppai Appraisal (the object placed in between the character’s breasts can be changed)
* Oppai Rock-Paper-Scissors System - Control breasts to play rock-paper-scissors
* Hot Springs Events - Includes every character’s hot springs illustration. Includes the Illustration Touch and Illustration Zoom-In / Zoom-Out features
* Holy Flower Flora-Dedicated Events - Includes Holy Flower Flora-dedicated event illustrations and play touch events
* PTA (Pai Touch Action) - Character illustration touch gameplay and reactions
* Gallery Feature - View the illustrations included in Omega Labyrinth Life
* Oppai (Big Breasts) - Enlargeable up to Z-cup depending on the change in bust size, the character’s status and illustration change
* Chippai (Small Breasts) - Enlargeable up to Z-cup depending on the change in bust size, the character’s status and illustration change
* Seductive Oppai - Like ‘Em (Love ‘Em)

Visit Website | Omega Labyrinth Life (Multi-Language)

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